11 August 2008

Ponderings of a poultry keeper

Whilst deep in the depths of poultry keeping thoughts were floating through the ether of my mind, as they do, when I stumbled upon the traditional interview question "Where do you see yourself in five (ten) years time?" and I had to laugh as I thought of where I was ten years ago and what I was doing ten years ago and what my response would have been then - it certainly wouldn't have been "Upto my elbows in duck shit and mite spray" that's for sure! (That's the joys of ducks - think long and hard before you invest for they are filthy creatures) Ten years ago I was working in an office with a computer and a desk and swanky suit - Oh my oh my oh my! That, thinking about it, was more than ten years ago. Ten years ago I had a baby to care for so maybe not quite so far from today as I thought - ANYWAY, I digress so back to the point which was - where were you ten years ago and when you were there did you think you would be where you are now? Comments please...


Anonymous said...

Had to laugh. Believe it or not 10 years ago, I was up to my elbows in duck shit frequently as my son played high school football and it was amazing what kind of fields they allowed them to play on.(green & slimy) Then came trying to clean the uniform. Woah! I knew I would be here one day, retired as I am now, after all its what I worked all my life for , isn't it. I wouldn't trade the duck shit times for anything!!Those were the BEST and it goes fast! Enjoy them Pat C

MaNiC MoMMy™ said...

Ten years ago I was at my 10 year high school reunion, seven months pregnant. I probably didn't think I would have three kids by now, and I probably didn't think I'd be over at Amanda's blog telling her she finally won a freaking Manic contest! LOL!